SROS Command Line Interface Reference Guide Frame Relay Interface Config Command Set
5991-2114 © Copyright 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 581
frame-relay multilink [ack <seconds> | bandwidth-class <class>
<threshold> | hello <seconds> | retry <number>]
Use the frame-relay multilink command to enable the Frame Relay multilink interface. When the no
form of this command is issued, all configuration options associated with this command and
cross-connects made to this interface are removed.
Syntax Description
ack <seconds> Optional. Specifies a wait for acknowledgement time (in seconds) for every
bundle link in the bundle. Range: 1 to 180 seconds.
bandwidth-class Optional. Specifies the class of operation, placing a minimum limit on the
acceptable amount of bandwidth required for a bundle to up.
<class> Optional. Specifies the class of operation. Range: a to c:
Class A A single active link is sufficient for the bundle to be up.
Class B All defined bundle links must be active for the bundle to be up.
Class C A minimum threshold of links must be active for the bundle to be up.
<threshold> Optional. Specifies the minimum number of active bundle links required for a class
C bundle to be in the up state. This option will not be available unless Class C is
specified. Range: 1 to 65535 links.
hello <seconds> Optional. Specifies the time (in seconds) between hello messages for every
bundle link in the bundle. Range: 1 to 180 seconds.
retry <number> Optional. Specifies the number of times a bundle link will retransmit a message
while waiting for acknowledgement. Range: 1 to 5 times.
Default Values
The default ack value is 4 seconds. The default hello value is 10 seconds. The default <class> value is a.
The default retry value is 2.
Command Modes
(config-fr 1)# Virtual Frame Relay Interface Configuration Mode required
Functional Note
This command is different from ppp multilink. In ppp multilink, if multiple cross-connects are configured
for the PPP interface without multilink PPP being enabled, the first link to bring up LCP will be the only link
actually cross-connected. In Frame Relay multilink, since there is no protocol corresponding to LCP, all
cross-connects will be removed and the user will be free to re-issue any cross-connect.
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