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Chapter 3 IPS Filtering
60 X Family LSM User’s Guide V 2.5.1
Adaptive Filter Configuration
You can configure the global settings for the Adaptive Filter from the IPS Preferences page (IPS > IPS
Preferences) and the Configure Adaptive Filter Events page (Events > Reports > Adaptive Filter). At
the filter level, you have the option to disable Adaptive Filter configuration so that a filter is never
impacted by Adaptive Filter settings on the device. For details, see
Edit DV Filter Category Settings
on page 29.
For additional information, see the following topics:
How Adaptive Filtering Works” on page 60
Restrictions” on page 60
Tuning Adaptive Filter Configuration” on page 60
How Adaptive Filtering Works
Adaptive Filtering is a mechanism to configure the Threat Suppression engine to automatically manage
filter behavior when the X family device is under extreme load conditions. This feature protects your
network against the potential adverse affects of a filter that interacts poorly with the network
environment by preventing the device from entering High Availability mode.
Adaptive filtering works by monitoring each filter to identify any suspected of causing congestion.
When it identifies a filter, it manages the filter using one of the following methods, depending on how
the global or filter-level Adaptive Filtering is configured:
Automatic Mode This setting enables the device to automatically disable and generate a system
message regarding the problematic filter.
Manual This setting enables the device to generate a system message regarding the problematic
filter. However, the filter is not disabled.
You cannot configure adaptive filter settings for Traffic Threshold, Reconnaissance, or Traffic
Normalization filters.
Tuning Adaptive Filter Configuration
You can view theten filters most recently affected by the Adaptive Filter Configuration in the Ten M o st
Recent table available on the IPS Preferences page and the Configure Adaptive Filter Events page
(Events > Reports > Adaptive Filter). From this table, you can click on a filter name to change the
global or filter-level AFC settings. For details on this table, see Table 5–16, “
TSE Adaptive Filter
Configuration Details,” on page 126. You can manage global AFC configuration by modifying the Mode
and Log Severity settings on either the IPS Preferences page or the Configure Adaptive Filter Events
Configure the global TSE Adaptive Filter Setting
From the LSM menu, select IPS > Preferences.
On the IPS Preferences page in the Adaptive Configuration Settings table, select the mode:
Automatic Mode — This setting enables the X family device to automatically disable and
log any defective filter.
Manual This setting enables the device to log any defective filter without disabling it.
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