Appendix C Log Formats and System Messages
304 X Family LSM User’s Guide V 2.5.1
If an error occurs, the information changes. The state displays as “UpdateFailure:<state>” where
<state> is one of the listed states in the previous table. The listed state displays a qualifier and message
regarding the state. The following table details the qualifier and messages:
Table C–10: IPS Update Failure Messages
Update Failure Qualifier Message
OK Normal operation, no errors
InvalidUpdateState Current action is restricted while device is in this state. Fix
problem and reset Update State.
InvalidLocation Package file not found at that location.
RebootDuringUpdate Device was rebooted during update. Check system log for
TarChecksumError Checksum error when extracting the archive: Corrupted
TarExractError File system error when extracting the archive.
ArchiveCreateFailure File system error creating rollback archive.
SystemError General error during update.
WrongPlatformType Package is for a different platform. Make sure you have
correct IPS package.
PackageReadError General error while reading package. Possible Truncated or
Corrupted package, download new package from TMC and
retry update.
WrongPackageType Package is of unknown type, not an OS or DV package. Make
sure you have correct IPS package.
NotEnoughFreeSpace Not enough available disk space. Remove older installed
UnsignedPackage Package does not have proper digital signature.
MemoryError Memory error when installing package. Reboot may be
BadCertificate Package does not have proper igital certificate.
DowngradeRevisionNotSupported Using update to install some older versions is not supported.
PackageOpenError Unable to open package. Make sure you have a correct IPS
CannotUpdateDVWhenTSEIsBusy Unable to update Threat Suppression Engine packages while
the system is busy reloading filters. Retry operation at a later
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