X Family LSM User’s Guide V 2.5.1 313
Streaming Media filters
Streaming Media filters detect and control traffic from Streaming Media applications that deliver audio
and video content utilizing IP protocols, typically UDP. Because these streaming media applications
demand high bandwidth, the use of these applications can have a large negative impact on network
performance. These filters can be used to block the operation of the Instant Messaging application.
Many of the IM filters can also be used to rate limit traffic from IM applications. These filters are part
of the Performance Protection (see page 311) filter category.
Traffic Normalization filters
Filters that block network traffic when the traffic is considered malicious. These filters allow you to set
alerts to trigger when the system recognizes this traffic. Traffic pattern filters alert when network
traffic varies from normal. These filters are part of the Infrastructure Protection
filter category.
Threat Management Center (TMC)
A 3Com service center that monitors sensors around the world for the latest attack information and
builds and distributes attack filters. The TMC is available at the following URL: https://
Threat Suppression Engine (TSE)
Blend of Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) and network processors that detect threats
and anomalies in your network traffic. The TSE scans and reacts to malicious attacks or anomolous
traffic based on the configuration of the IPS security profiles, traffic management and traffic
thresholds filters using the latest Digital Vaccine package updates.
Virus filters
Virus filters detect and block events triggered by viruses, worms, Trojans, backdoors, and other
blended malware threats. These filters are part of the Application Protection (see page 308) filter
Vulnerabilities filters
Filters that detect any attempt to exploit a vulnerability in any application, operating system, or
networked hardware device. These filters determine whether a vulnerability exists based on traffic
requests and reaction by services. These filters are part of the Application Protection (see page 308)
filter category.
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