HP StorageWorksHA-Fabric Manager user guideFW 07.00.00/HAFM SW 08.06.00Part number: AA-RS2CF-TEFifth edition: March 2005
10Forcing all clients to polling mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170TCP port numbers . .
Optional HAFM features100RulesThis section provides instructions for writing rules and setting up automated tasks. Before you begin, decide the trigge
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 101The Add Rule dialog box appears (Figure 63).Figure 63 Add Rule dialog box3. Enter information in the following boxes:•
Optional HAFM features102Also from the Event Manager tab, you can manage the Event Management rules. Select a rule and then click the appropriate butt
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 103If the director or switch is online, activating Switch Binding populates the Membership List in the Switch Binding - M
Optional HAFM features104• To enable Switch Binding (check mark is not in the Enable Switch Binding check box), click the Enable Switch Binding check
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 105See ”Editing the Switch Membership List” on page 104” for information on how the Switch Membership List is populated w
Optional HAFM features106• Because switches are bound to a fabric by World Wide Name (WWN) and domain ID, the Insistent Domain ID option in the Config
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 107to the director or switch port and cannot connect to other devices in the zone with Switch Binding enabled.Port fencin
Optional HAFM features108This section describes the following topics:• Options, page 108• Configuration, page 108• Global threshold changes, page 109•
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 1091. Select Configure > Open Trunking from the HAFM menu bar. The Configure Open Trunking dialog box appears (Figure
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 11Performance event properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Optional HAFM features110Open Trunking logThe Open Trunking log (Figure 68), provides details on flow rerouting through switch ports. Figure 68 Open T
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 111Select Monitor Utilization > On from the main window menu bar (or press Ctrl+U). To turn utilization off:Select Mon
Optional HAFM features112Viewing performance dataRefer to the HAFM online Help for instructions to generate and view HTML reports of performance data.
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 113• Measure—Assigns a unit of measure for the graph• Time Range—Selects a time range • Histogram Display—Shows the perce
Optional HAFM features114• Three tabs:•Physical Map •Product List • Event Management• A menu bar. Click a menu item to see a list of available options
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 115The New Plan dialog box appears (Figure 72).Figure 72 New Plan dialog box2. Enter a name in the New Plan box.3. Select
Optional HAFM features116The Insert Multiple Devices dialog box appears (Figure 74).Figure 74 Insert Multiple Devices dialog boxb. Enter a quantity fo
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 117The planned device’s Properties dialog box appears (Figure 75).Figure 75 Planned device Properties dialog box2. Enter
Optional HAFM features118The Port Properties dialog box appears (Figure 76).Figure 76 Port Properties dialog box7. Enter a port number in the Port Num
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 119The following example shows the syntax for a planning rule:set rule_id = SAN_1where rule = “check_for_valid IPAddress
1226 SNMP tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6127 The Unit P
Optional HAFM features120• Connection rules specify which devices can be connected in a plan (see Table 14).• Property validation rules verify the val
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 121• Operators: =, <, <=, >, >=Applying rules for plan evaluationTo apply rules for evaluating the plan:1. Se
Optional HAFM features122The Planning window appears (Figure 71).2. Select Plan > Set Rules from the Planning window menu bar. The Planning Rules d
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 123Plan conservationThis section describes how to save, export, and print a plan.Saving a planAfter you design a plan, yo
Optional HAFM features124
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 1257ZoningZoning defines the communication paths in a fabric. A zone consists of initiator and target ports in the SAN. P
Zoning126Zone set sizes are determined by the:• Number of zones in the zone set • Length of each zone name • Number of members in each zone • Interope
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 127• Remove a zone from a zone set (see ”Removing a zone from a zone set” on page 130).• Activate a zone set (see ”Activa
Zoning128The Zones, Zone Sets, and Potential Zone Members lists are displayed.NOTE: If the Zoning dialog box is open for longer than 30 minutes, the i
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 129The Add Zone Member dialog box appears (Figure 79).Figure 79 Add Zone Member dialog box5. Specify a zone member by its
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 1373 Open Plan dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Zoning1304. Press Enter.5. Select the zones you want to add to the zone set from the Zones list. 6. Click to the right of the Zones list to add the
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 131The Activate Zone Set dialog box appears (Figure 80).Figure 80 Activate Zone Set dialog box4. Verify the information a
Zoning132The Deactivate Zone Set dialog box appears (Figure 82).Figure 82 Deactivate Zone Set dialog boxThe dialog box shows the names of the active z
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 133NOTE: Default zones are only supported in Homogeneous Fabric interop mode. Default zones are not supported in Open Fab
Zoning134The file is saved to the specified folder.7. Click OK.Importing a zone setTo import a zone set XML file into a zone set library:1. Display th
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 135• Displaying zone members, page 137• Saving the active zone set to a zoning library, page 138• Comparing zone sets, pa
Zoning136The Replace Zone Member dialog box appears (Figure 85).Figure 85 Replace Zone Member dialog box3. Enter the domain and port IDs or the WWN of
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 1373. Click OK.Viewing zone and zone set propertiesYou can view information for zones and zone sets, such as name; number
Zoning138The List Zone Members dialog box appears (Figure 86).Figure 86 List Zone Members dialog box4. Click Close to close the dialog box.Saving the
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 139The Select a Zone Set dialog box appears.5. Select a zone set and click OK. The comparison results are displayed.
1412 Open trunking configuration options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10813 Planning rule parameters
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 1418 SANtegrity Security CenterThis chapter provides instructions for using the SANtegrity Security Center.• Purpose of t
SANtegrity Security Center142Access the SANtegrity Security Center by clicking the Security tab or F8 on the main window. In order to use the Security
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 143NOTE: SANtegrity Authentication can also be accessed from any SANtegrity-capable Element Manager Configure menu by sel
SANtegrity Security Center144NOTE: If a device is managed by the HAFM appliance, when the device displayed on the Security tab is offline or loses a M
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 145If the security settings for a switch or director are changed by another management interface, then the following occu
SANtegrity Security Center146Figure 88 Main window with Security tab chosenIf the check box for EWS or Telnet is not selected, then no user can log in
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 147A default user is set up in the switch user base. The ID of the user is Administrator and the password is password. Th
SANtegrity Security Center1481. Click Apply To. The Apply to Other Products dialog box displays listing the qualified switches and directors. Figure 9
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 149Figure 91 Security Change Confirmation and Status dialog boxThe Security Change Confirmation and Status dialog box inc
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 15About this guideThis guide provides information about:• Using the High Availability Fabric Manager (HAFM) to monitor, c
SANtegrity Security Center150To thoroughly check the new changes, click different products on the product list and view detailed changes.NOTE: Populat
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 151Figure 92 Main windowEnabling API authenticationIf API authentication is enabled, the following guidelines must be fol
SANtegrity Security Center152• If you select Radius Only, the HAFM appliance checks to see whether a Radius server is specified on the Radius Servers
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 153• When the server ID is defined only in the HAFM appliance and has not been added to the switch, the current appliance
SANtegrity Security Center1541. Select the HAFM appliance and click Change.The Add or Edit Software ID and CHAP Secret dialog box displays.If you modi
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 155Figure 94 Main window with Security tab, Authentication, Device tabTo have two connected switches authenticate each ot
SANtegrity Security Center156Understanding the Devices tab display and default settingsWhen you access the Devices tab, do the following:1. Ensure tha
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 157• Non-SANtegrity II compatible switches• Non-manageable switches• Non-HP switches• JBOD• HBA• Other storage devicesWhe
SANtegrity Security Center158Figure 95 Add Device dialog box1. Type the Node Name.• If Node Name is already in the Authenticated Devices list or is in
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 159Populating a CHAP secret to a current switch1. Select a CHAP secret for the current switch.2. Click Apply to populate
About this guide16Document conventions and symbolsWARNING! Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in bodily harm or death.CAUTION: I
SANtegrity Security Center160Enabling or disabling E_port and N_port authentication1. Select or clear the check box for E_port or N_port authenticatio
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 161Changing the port authentication state for a nonmember device that is not managed 1. Select the E_port authentication
SANtegrity Security Center162Figure 96 Main window with Security tab, Authentication, IP ACL tabIf the Enable IP Access Control List check box is sele
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 163NOTE: If multiple IP address or ranges are selected, Edit is disabled. Removing multiple IP addresses at one timeAfter
SANtegrity Security Center164Figure 97 Main window with Security tab, Authentication, Radius Servers tabA maximum of three Radius servers can be set u
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 165• Click Edit to display the Add/Edit Radius Server dialog box. Use this dialog box to define all the settings that dis
SANtegrity Security Center166Figure 98 Security Log• Severity—The severity level of the event: informational, warning, and fatal.• User—The user assoc
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 167• The SANtegrity Security Center displays a Product Configuration table that lists all discoverable products and their
SANtegrity Security Center168
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 169A Configuring HAFM through a firewallNetworks can use a virtual private network (VPN) or firewall to prohibit communic
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 17TIP: Provides helpful hints and shortcuts.Rack stabilityWARNING! To reduce the risk of personal injury or damage to equ
Configuring HAFM through a firewall170NOTE: This example illustrates the HAFM_c.bat file. The portion of this file starting with rem HAFM Client is al
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 171-Dsmp.zoning.wait.timeout=180000 -Dsmp.debug -Dsmp.webServer -Dsmp.callback.passive -Dsmp.flavor=%APP_FLAVOR% Server..
Configuring HAFM through a firewall172•”Forcing server and client to export port number” on page 173 NOTE: You must configure both the server and clie
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 173-Dsmp.fabricPersistenceEnabled=true -Dsmp.Mp.max=256 -Dsmp.deployment.prefix=Client/ -Dsmp.debug -Dsmp.registry.port=X
Configuring HAFM through a firewall174NOTE: If the firewall prevents the server from connecting to arbitrary ports on the client, then just force the
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 175this parameter after the %CLASSPATH% parameter. The following example shows the edited file with the added parameters
Configuring HAFM through a firewall176
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 177BTroubleshootingThis appendix provides troubleshooting information for the following topics:• Problems with discovery,
Troubleshooting178Broadcast request is blocked by routers.Resolution 1: If you know the IP addresses, and they are not in the Available Addresses list
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 179Problems with productsTable 19 describes possible product problems and suggested resolutions.Problems with addressesTa
About this guide18Helpful web sitesFor third-party product information, see the following HP web sites:• http://www.hp.com • http://www.hp.com/go/stor
Troubleshooting180Miscellaneous problemsTable 21 describes possible miscellaneous problems and suggested resolutions.Table 21 Miscellaneous problems a
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 181Reference Mapping a loop to a hub causes the loop group and the outermost portion of the topology's background gr
Troubleshooting182Problems with zoningThe following table lists some possible issues and recommended solutions for zoning errors.Table 22 Zoning probl
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 183C Informational and error messagesThis appendix lists information and error messages that appear in pop-up message box
Informational and error messages184HAFM Application MessagesThis section lists HAFM application information and error messages in alphabetical order.T
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 185Are you sure you want to delete this zone set?The selected zone set will be deleted from the zone library.Click Yes to
Informational and error messages186Cannot display route. All switches in route must support routing.You cannot show the route through a fabric that ha
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 187Cannot modify product. The selected product cannot be modified.Verify the HAFM appliance-to-product link is up. If the
Informational and error messages188Connection to management server lost.The connection to the remote HAFM appliance has been lost.Log in to the HAFM a
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 189Duplicate nickname in nickname configuration.Duplicate nicknames cannot be configured.Modify the selected nickname to
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 191HAFM overview The HAFM is a Java-based GUI that enables you to manage users and products, monitor products, and open E
Informational and error messages190Error reading log file. The HAFM application encountered an error while trying to read the log.Try the operation ag
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 191Management server could not log you on. Verify your username and password.An incorrect username or password (both case
Informational and error messages192Invalid request. Three conditions result in this message:• You tried to add or modify a product from Product View a
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 193Invalid World Wide Name or nickname.The World Wide Name or nickname that you have specified is invalid. The valid form
Informational and error messages194No nickname selected. No nickname was selected when the command was attempted.Choose a nickname and try again.No El
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 195Password and confirmation don’t match.Entries in the password field and confirmation password field do not match. The
Informational and error messages196Selection is not a World Wide Name.The selection made is not a World Wide Name.Choose a valid World Wide Name befor
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 197The maximum number of aliases has already been configured.The maximum number of aliases allowed was reached.Delete an
Informational and error messages198The maximum number of zones allowed has already been configured.The maximum number of zones that can be defined was
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 199This product is not managed by this management server.The product selected is not managed by this HAFM appliance.Choos
Legal and notice information© Copyright 2001–2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.© Copyright 2005 McDATA Corp.Hewlett-Packard Company makes
HAFM overview20NOTE: Although products can perform normal operations without an HAFM appliance, the HAFM appliance should operate at all times to moni
Informational and error messages200You must define an SMTP server address.An SMTP server address must be defined and configured for e-mail to be activ
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 201Element Manager MessagesThis section lists Element Manager information and error messages in alphabetical order.Table
Informational and error messages202Are you sure you want to delete firmware version?This message requests confirmation to delete a firmware version. F
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 203Cannot enable beaconing while the system light is on. Occurs when choosing Enable Beaconing option for a failed FRU. R
Informational and error messages204Cannot have spaces in field.Spaces are not allowed as part of the entry for this field.Delete spaces from the field
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 205Cannot retrieve information for port.Port information cannot be retrieved by the Element Manager because the Ethernet
Informational and error messages206Cannot run diagnostics on a port that is not installed.Port diagnostics cannot be performed on a port card that is
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 207Cannot set all ports to 2 Gb/sec due to speed restriction on some ports.Displays if you try to set ports to operate at
Informational and error messages208Cannot start firmware install while CTP synchronization is in progress.The director’s CTP cards are synchronizing a
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 209Could not stop port diagnostics.Port diagnostics could not be stopped by the Element Manager because the Ethernet link
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 21There are a two ways to ensure the pubic and private designations of the LANs.• Assign the private LAN IP address, 10.x
Informational and error messages210Director clock alert mode must be cleared before enabling period synchronization.Clock alert mode is enabled throug
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 211Domain IDs must be in the range of 1 to 31.Domain IDs entered in the Configure Preferred Paths dialog box must fall in
Informational and error messages212Error transferring files < message >.An error occurred while transferring files from the PC hard drive to the
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 213Firmware file not found. The firmware version is not installed (or was deleted) from the firmware library at the HAFM
Informational and error messages214Invalid firmware file. The file selected for firmware download is not a firmware version file.Choose the correct fi
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 215Invalid value for BB_Credit.At the Configure Fabric Parameters dialog box, the buffer-to-buffer credit (BB_Credit) val
Informational and error messages216Invalid value for R_A_TOV.At the Configure Fabric Parameters dialog box, the resource allocation time-out value (R_
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 217Log is currently in use. Access to the log is denied because the log was opened by another instance of the Element Man
Informational and error messages218Not all of the optical transceivers are installed for this range of ports.Some ports in the specified range do not
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 219Port diagnostics cannot be performed on an inactive port.This displays when port diagnostics is run on a port in an in
HAFM overview22address as the Internet URL, and then entering a user name and password at a login screen. The PC browser then becomes a management con
Informational and error messages220SNMP trap address not defined.If an SNMP community name is defined, a corresponding SNMP trap recipient address mus
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 221Switch clock alert mode must be cleared before enabling period synchronization.Clock alert mode is enabled through the
Informational and error messages222The link to the director is not available.The Ethernet connection between the HAFM appliance and the director is do
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 223The switch must be offline to change the Management Style.The firmware is below the required level and you attempted t
Informational and error messages224Unable to save data collection file to destination.The HAFM appliance could not save the data collection file to th
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 225D Configuring remote workstationsThis appendix describes the procedures for installing the HAFM application on a remot
Configuring remote workstations226The HP StorageWorks HAFM remote client installation screen appears. Figure 100 shows the upper portion of this page.
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 227The HP High Availability Fabric Manager Available Installers page appears (Figure 101).Figure 101 Available Installers
Configuring remote workstations228NOTE: At any time, you may return to the previous page by clicking Previous or quit the Installer by clicking Cancel
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 229The progress of the installation is tracked on the Installing HP StorageWorks HAFM screen.When the installation is com
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 23Searching the online HelpTo find help topics that contain a particular word or phrase:1. On the Help window, click the
Configuring remote workstations2307. Click Open. The system begins downloading the HAFM installer. When the download is complete, the Introduction scr
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 23117. If desired, select the Start the High Availability Fabric Manager check box to immediately open HAFM. 18.Click Don
Configuring remote workstations232The Netscape browser opens.3. Obtain the HAFM appliance address from your network administrator.4. Enter the address
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 23319. Perform one of the following to select a folder on the remote workstation in which to store the HAFM software:• Ac
Configuring remote workstations234
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 235EReferenceThis appendix provides useful reference information.• Compatibility with other applications, page 235• Icon
Reference236Product status iconsEvent iconsUnknown TapeFCIP Bridge Or GatewayLoopiSCSI Bridge Or GatewayApplianceHP StorageWorks Edge Switch 2/16HP St
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 237Band information status iconsPlanned device iconsIcons of planned devices illustrate the device being unpacked from a
Reference238Group iconsConnectionsFigure 103 Online connection with online devicesFigure 104 Offline connection and offline loop and storage deviceTab
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 239NOTE: In Figure 105, gray lines on the HBA indicate no activity on those connections.Figure 105 Connection performance
HAFM overview24HAFM client system requirementsNOTE: The client system running HAFM must meet the following requirements.A maximum of 8 clients is allo
Reference240Table 32 describes the properties of a device in the SAN.Table 33 describes the properties of the operating system and the appliance.Sourc
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 241Performance event propertiesPerformance events occur when the performance at a switch port crosses a user-defined thre
Reference242Table 35 describes the properties of a device in the SAN.Table 36 describes the properties of the platform and the appliance.Table 35 Perf
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 243User action event propertiesUser action events occur when you change a setting in the appliance.Table 37 describes the
Reference244Table 39 describes the properties of a user.iesDevice state event propertiesDevice state events occur when a device or connection goes onl
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 245Table 41 describes the properties about a device in the SAN.Table 42 describes the properties about the platform and t
Reference246Writing Event Management macrosYou can write macros for Event Management to add relevant data to the action phrases. The following actions
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 247Table 44 describes the properties about a device in a SAN.Node Name World wide name of the device that encountered an
Reference248Table 46 describes the user context properties.Table 46• EXEC context property set—Executes the command that is contained in the macro, an
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 249Keyboard shortcutsYou can use the keystrokes shown in Table 48 to perform common functions.NOTE: To open a menu using
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 252 Using the HAFM applicationThis chapter provides instructions for using the HAFM application. The following topics are
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 251F Editing batch filesThis appendix provides instructions for updating batch files. It includes:• Configuring the appli
Editing batch files252to read:#SMP Server${SAN_JRE_DIR}/bin/java -classpath ${CLASSPATH}-Dsmp.deployment.prefix=Server/-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=x.x.
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 2532. Edit the following lines:rem HAFM Serverstart %JAVA_HOME%\bin\HAFMServer.exe -server -Xmx128m-Xminf.15 -Xmaxf.35 -X
Editing batch files2545. Run install_service.bat file.UNIX1. Open the <Install_Home>/bin/HAFM_Mgr file using a text editor (for example, vi).2.
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 255• -Dsmp.log.eventCountAfterTruncate (number of entries to be saved, between 1 and 2000).rem HAFM Serverstart %JAVA_HOM
Editing batch files256
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 257IndexAaccessassigning 52changing 53removing 53accessing, remote HAFM appliances 35action tab 39, 41actions, addi
258on persisted fabrics 86connections, monitoring utilization 110conventionsdocument 16text symbols 16copyingzone sets 136copying from logs 91cr
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 259monitoring 89viewing 90exec macro components 248expanding groups 38exportingevents 91files 44overview 44exporti
Using the HAFM application262. You may specify a new address by typing it in the field, or selecting one from the drop-down list.NOTE: Localhost is th
260user name, default 34uses 19host bus adapter iconplanned 237host group icon 238HPauthorized reseller 17storage web site 18Subscriber’s choice
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 261location 29overview 29viewing 89members, finding in zones 137merging, persisted fabrics 86messagesElement Manager
262arranging 116configuring 116connecting 116deleting 117planningdevices, showing as installed 117evaluating 122new SAN 114opening a plan 115r
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 263Linux systems 231Solaris systems 229Windows systems 225removingIP addresses 64members from zone 130trap recipient
264online state functions 106zoning function 106switch group icon 238switch iconplanned 237switch, monitoring performance 111symbols in text 16s
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 265default password 33default user name 33writing macros 246Zzone memberslisting 137removing from zones 130zone sets
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 272. From the Network Address drop-down list, select the appliance you want to remove.The selected appliance IP address d
Using the HAFM application28Viewing the HAFM main window Figure 4 shows the View All display of the HAFM main window. There are nine panels in this vi
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 29ToolbarThe toolbar (Figure 4 2) provides buttons to perform various functions. Place your cursor on a toolbar button fo
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 3ContentsAbout this guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Using the HAFM application30Anchoring or floating the MinimapYou can anchor or float the Minimap to customize your main window.Floating the MinimapTo
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 31as enabled. If Call Home is disabled on any one of the HP switches or on the management application, the icon will appe
Using the HAFM application32The VNC Authentication window opens (Figure 5).Figure 5 VNC Authentication window3. Enter the password and click OK. The W
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 33The Log On to Windows dialog box opens (Figure 7).NOTE: Do not press Ctrl-Alt-Delete on your keyboard. This logs you on
Using the HAFM application347. Enter your user name and password in the User ID and Password boxes. NOTE: If user names have not been established, use
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 35• The remote system is configured to connect with the HAFM appliance over a TCP/IP network connection.• No more than se
Using the HAFM application36Logging out of an applianceTo log out of the appliance select SAN > Log Out from the HAFM menu bar. You are logged out
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 37The appliance immediately shuts down the appliance-Client connection. The status bar on the Client displays that the ap
Using the HAFM application38You can determine the discovery status of products by looking at the status column in the Product List. Table 6 shows the
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 39To expand all groups on the topology by one level, click the Expand icon on the HAFM toolbox ( ).Group ManagementGroup
4Floating the Minimap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Anchoring the Minimap . . . . . . .
Using the HAFM application40Figure 12 Select Group Action dialog boxSelect Run data collection and the following tabs display on the left side. The ta
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 41Selecting Action tab with Create Group Event Log selectedSelect Create Group Event Log and the following tabs display:•
Using the HAFM application42Select the Use Group drop down field to select a group and the table is populated with the products in the group. To add a
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 43Zooming in and out of the Physical MapYou can zoom in or out of the Physical Map to view products and ports.Zooming inT
Using the HAFM application44Exporting and importing dataThe import and export features are important functions of the application. You can import and
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 45• Disk—Saves the exported files to the disk in <Install_Home>\Client\Data\sandate\san*.zip.• EMail—Mails the expo
Using the HAFM application46A Confirmation message opens (Figure 17).Figure 17 Export Confirmation message7. Make a note of the file location and name
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 47The Import dialog box opens (Figure 18).Figure 18 Import dialog box2. Select the type of file you want to import from t
Using the HAFM application48• User launch scripts• User-defined sounds• All data exported through the Export option on the SAN menuNOTE: Firmware file
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 49A message displays asking if you want to overwrite the existing files.b. Click Yes.13.Start HAFM Services by selecting
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 5Adding a user account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using the HAFM application50
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 513 Managing the HAFM applicationThis chapter provides instructions for managing and customizing the application.• Access
Managing the HAFM application52Viewing the list of usersSelect SAN > Users from the HAFM menu bar to view a list of users, their event notification
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 53•User ID•Password •Retype Password 4. Select the Enable check box to enable e-mail notification for the user.A message
Managing the HAFM application54Filtering event notifications for a userThe application provides notification of many different types of SAN events. If
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 55The Remote Access dialog box opens (Figure 22).Figure 22 Remote Access dialog box2. Select the Allow remote management
Managing the HAFM application563. Click Yes.• The user is disconnected. • The appliance immediately shuts down the appliance-client connection. • The
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 57Creating a user groupTo create a user group and specify access to certain features and views in the application:1. Sele
Managing the HAFM application5812.Click OK. The new group appears in the Groups list of the Users dialog box. To add users to this group, follow the i
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 59To assign a user to an existing group, perform the following procedure:1. Select SAN > Users from the HAFM menu bar.
6Searching for products in a SAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78Changing product properti
Managing the HAFM application601. Select Discover > Setup from the HAFM menu bar.The Discover Setup dialog box opens (Figure 25).Figure 25 Discover
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 612. Verify the SNMP settings.a. Launch Embedded Web Server (EWS) by opening a web browser application and entering the I
Managing the HAFM application62The Unit Properties tab view displays showing product properties.Figure 27 The Unit Properties tabc. Verify that the ty
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 635. Stop the HAFM appliance Services by selecting the Start > Programs > HAFM > Stop Services.A DOS window disp
Managing the HAFM application64•Description• IP Address • Subnet Mask associated with the IP address5. If you want to generate a sequence of IP addres
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 651. Select Discover > Setup from the HAFM menu bar. The Discover Setup dialog box opens (Figure 25 on page 60).2. Sel
Managing the HAFM application665. Click Default ‘public’ and Default ‘private’.6. Click OK.Turning discovery on and offTo turn discovery on and off, s
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 673. On the Address Properties dialog box, click the Product Type and Access tab.Figure 30 Address Properties dialog box
Managing the HAFM application68Figure 31 shows the dialog box used to configure the SNMP agent.Figure 31 SNMP Agent Setup dialog boxTurning the SNMP a
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 697. Enter the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port number in the Port box. This overrides the default UDP port number for a
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 7Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Managing the HAFM application70You can create views that show only certain fabrics. If you discover or import a SAN with more than 2000 devices, the d
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 71The Create View dialog box displays (Figure 35).Figure 35 Create View dialog box (Include Assets via Selection option)5
Managing the HAFM application729. Select the columns you want to see in the Product List from the Available Product List Columns list.10.Click to mo
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 736. Click OK.Deleting a customized viewTo delete a customized view:1. Select View > Delete View from the HAFM menu ba
Managing the HAFM application748. Select a column from the Available Product List Columns list and click to display the new column in the Product Li
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 756. Click Remove.
Managing the HAFM application76
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 774 Configuring SAN products and fabricsThis chapter provides instructions for configuring products, fabrics, and trap fo
Configuring SAN products and fabrics782. Use a text editor to open the following script:<Install_Home>\bin\HAFM_ElementMgr.bat.3. Under the head
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 79The Properties dialog box appears (Figure 41).Figure 41 Properties dialog boxNOTE: The product you select must be onlin
8Plan conservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123Saving a plan . .
Configuring SAN products and fabrics80Before you display the route between two ports, ensure that:• All switches or directors in the route are managed
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 81Hiding routesYou can hide routes between two ports in a multiswitch fabric. To hide the route:1. Display the route that
Configuring SAN products and fabrics82The Fabric Properties dialog box appears (Figure 45).Figure 45 Fabric Properties dialog boxThe nickname is the o
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 83The Enterprise Fabric Mode dialog box appears (Figure 46).Figure 46 Enterprise Fabric Mode dialog box2. Select the fabr
Configuring SAN products and fabrics84The Fabric Binding dialog box appears (Figure 47).Figure 47 Fabric Binding dialog box2. Select the Enable/Disabl
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 85NOTE: Each fabric has an HP principal switch to manage the devices in fabric. If the principal switch changes, the new
Configuring SAN products and fabrics86The Fabric Log lists changes to the persisted fabric. For details about the fabric log, see ”Monitoring events”
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 87On the Physical Map, the ghost fabric shows its original products with minus symbols (Figure 50). On the Product List,
Configuring SAN products and fabrics88The Add Trap Recipient dialog box appears (Figure 53).Figure 53 Add Trap Recipient dialog box3. Enter the approp
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 895 Monitoring SAN productsThis chapter contains the following topics, which describe the tools you can use to monitor SA
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 9Adding a set of users to multiple switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147Usi
Monitoring SAN products90Figure 54 Master logThe following columns are in the master log:• Source—The product on which the event occurred.• Type—The t
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 91Exporting log dataYou can export HAFM log data in tab-delimited format. This feature is useful if you want to provide t
Monitoring SAN products92NOTE: When using the View Logs dialog box, you can copy only one row at a time. To copy multiple rows of data, copy the data
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 93Configuring Call Home notificationWhen you configure Call Home notification, the appliance automatically dials in to a
Monitoring SAN products94
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 956 Optional HAFM featuresThis chapter provides detailed information on using, administering, and configuring optional HA
Optional HAFM features964. Enter the feature key in the Key box.5. Click OK.Event ManagementEvent Management automates tasks that are performed on the
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 97Figure 61 shows the dialog box you use to create a trigger phrase. Figure 61 Trigger phrase development dialog boxPhras
Optional HAFM features98Event triggers also allow you to set time limits so that the trigger occurs only if the event happens within a certain time an
HA-Fabric Manager user guide 99NOTE: You can specify macros for some actions by clicking in the Value column and then right-clicking and selecting an
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