2. For emulation types other than OPEN-V:
Number of LBAs = Converted value of ending address - Converted value of starting
address + 1
Calculate the number of LBAs that are used by the user data.
Number of slots = Number of LBAs ÷96
Convert the number of LBAs to the number of slots.
Number of addresses = Number of slots × 128
Convert the number of slots with 128 LBA.
3. Calculate the required cache size according to the operation modes, or the RAID levels to use
Cache Residency.
1. Where the bind mode is set:
Required cache size = No. of addresses × (512 + 16) × 2 ÷ 1,024
The unit is KB.
For RAID type other than RAID1:
Required cache size = No. of addresses × (512 + 16) × 3 ÷ 1,024
The unit is KB.
2. Where the priority mode is set:
Required cache size = Number of addresses × (512 + 16) ÷ 1,024
The unit is KB.
72 Estimating cache size
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