Hp Storage Mirroring Software User Manual

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Page 1 - User’s Guide

Reporting CenterUser’s GuideFirst Edition (November 2009)Part Number: T5437-96012

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8 of 118Installing Storage Mirroring ReportingCenterThe Storage Mirroring Reporting Center installation provides both server and clientreporting compo

Page 3 - Table of Contents

98 of 1189. On the Basic tab:a. Select the format in which you will generate your report in the Report Formatfield.● Web Page—Saved as an .html file.

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99 of 118Reporting Center server. You can modify these template files to change theappearance of reports. If you want to customize templates for diffe

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100 of 118Viewing alertsAlerts are user-configurable. For more information about configuring alerts, seeConfiguring alerts.To see any alerts that have

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101 of 118Configuring alertsYou can set up Storage Mirroring Reporting Center to monitor Storage Mirroring serversfor certain conditions. When these c

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102 of 118Field DescriptionWhen file system is likely tobe full in the next X daysPast growth of the file system is such that it ispredicted to be ful

Page 8 - Requirements

103 of 118Navigating the consoleNavigating the console consists of:● Selecting a node● Selecting a report● Drilling down● Configuring system settings●

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104 of 118Selecting a nodeA "node" represents a Storage Mirroring server.To select a node, click on the node in the navigation tree. If nece

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105 of 118Selecting a reportTo select a report:1. Right-click the node against which you want to run the report, and a menu displaysyour options.2. Se

Page 11 - Configuring the SQL database

106 of 118Drilling downWhen you run a report, you can drill down further to isolate problems or show more dataabout the reported object. The way in wh

Page 12 - Permissions

107 of 118Configuring system settingsThere are a number of system-wide settings that change or modify the behavior of theproduct. To view or modify th

Page 13 - Adding servers

9 of 118Configuring the SQL databaseIf you are using the default SQL Express database, you do not need to configure theSQL database.When you install S

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108 of 118Update the length of time you want to maintain Storage Mirroring Reporting Centerdata in the database.● Performance—The length of time that

Page 15 - Configuring nodes

109 of 118● Server—Identifies the server to use as the mail server. This value is used asthe default for emailing a report through File, Mail.● From—I

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110 of 118● Log Directory—Location where the Storage Mirroring Reporting Centerserver and collector processes are written to.● Server Log Level—Verbos

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111 of 118Configuring viewsA view is the hierarchy of nodes and groups that are displayed in the navigation tree.The View Properties dialog box displa

Page 18 - Configuring groups

112 of 118TroubleshootingTroubleshooting Storage Mirroring Reporting Center consists of:● Changing log levels● Removing non-Storage Mirroring nodes● V

Page 19 - 3. Click Yes

113 of 118Changing log levelsBy default, all processes log only errors and warnings. This may not be enoughinformation to troubleshoot difficult probl

Page 20 - Viewing reports

114 of 118Removing non-Storage Mirroring nodesStorage Mirroring Reporting Center is designed to monitor Storage Mirroring servers.There is no limit se

Page 21 - Types of reports

115 of 118Viewing collector reportsIf you are not seeing data returned for the nodes you have created, run the CollectorErrors Report. This can be acc

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116 of 118Verifying Storage Mirroring server connectivityTo test connectivity from a Storage Mirroring Reporting Center server to a StorageMirroring s

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117 of 118Verifying WMI connectivityTo test WMI connectivity from a Storage Mirroring server:1. Select Start, Run, then enter “WBEMTest”.2. Click Conn

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10 of 118PermissionsStorage Mirroring Reporting Center requires the following permissions:● The username and password entered during installation is u

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118 of 118Storage Mirroring Reporting Center servicesIf Storage Mirroring Reporting Center has been successfully installed, then you shouldsee the fol

Page 26 - Configuration reports

11 of 118Adding serversAfter verifying the system requirements and installing Storage Mirroring ReportingCenter, you can begin adding servers to be mo

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12 of 1185. In the Server username field, enter the name of an administrator who has accessto the Storage Mirroring server. For more information about

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13 of 118Configuring nodesA node represents a Storage Mirroring server. The following rules apply to nodes:● No two nodes can share the same name● No

Page 29 - Status reports

14 of 1183. In the Name field, enter the name of the Storage Mirroring server. This field ismandatory and the node name must be unique.4. In the Descr

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15 of 11812. Click OK. The node is created and assigned to the folder that you selected instep1.For information about troubleshooting nodes, see Trou

Page 31 - Performance reports

16 of 118Configuring groupsYou can create groups to contain nodes that represent the Storage Mirroring servers.The benefit of creating groups is the a

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17 of 1181. Select the node and select Tools, Node Editor from the main menu. The NodeList dialog box appears.2. Click Delete. The Delete Confirmation

Page 33 - Utilization reports

© Copyright 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.Hewlett-Packard Company makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, includin

Page 34 - SMRC reports

18 of 118Viewing reportsYou can run reports from group objects or individual nodes in the Navigation tree. Whengenerating a report for a group object,

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19 of 118Types of reportsNote:Reports are customizable, so not all available data may be visible in a particularreport view.Dashboard reportsServer ut

Page 36 - Customizing report appearance

20 of 118The Connections Dashboard displays the connection status, source disk queueutilization, and protected time for a Storage Mirroring server or

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21 of 118Report Information displayed● Mirror Duration—The amount of time for mirror activity● Total Mirrors—The total number of mirror tasksTransmiss

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22 of 118Report Information displayedNetwork interfaceutilization report● Hostname—The name of the server● Interface—The identifier of the network int

Page 39 - Detailed table reports

23 of 118Report Information displayed● Memory Queue—Bytes in memory queue programmaticallycalculated by adding mirror + replication - disk queueTarget

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24 of 118Report Information displayedStorageMirroringtransmission● Server—Name of the Storage Mirroring server● Source—The name of the source server●

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25 of 118The Storage Mirroring Server Connections report provides a list of all connections that aserver is a member of along with information about t

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26 of 118memory on the Storage Mirroring server.To run the memory configuration report, select the Storage Mirroring node in the tree.Right-click and

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27 of 118Processor detailsThe Processor Details report displays information on the configuration of CPUs on theStorage Mirroring server.To run the Pro

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1 of 118Table of ContentsTable of Contents 1Storage Mirroring Reporting Center overview 3Storage Mirroring Reporting Center server 4Storage Mirroring

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28 of 118The Storage Mirroring Monitor Status report displays information on the status of StorageMirroring monitors.To run the Storage Mirroring Moni

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29 of 118each file system on the Storage Mirroring server.To run the File System Details report, select the Storage Mirroring node in the tree andsele

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30 of 118● Server—The name of the Storage Mirroring server● Source—The name of the source server● Target—The name of the target server● Source IP Addr

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31 of 118The following information is returned by this report:● Server—The name of the Storage Mirroring server● Source—The name of the source server●

Page 49 - Trend charts

32 of 118● Kernel—The total kernel memory used on the server● Available—The memory available on the server● Utilization—The memory utilization (%)Netw

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33 of 118● Function—The function in which the error occurred● Error Message—The message associated with the error● Count—The number of times the messa

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34 of 118Customizing report appearanceYou can alter the appearance of reports using the toolbar associated with the selectedreport type. To expand the

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35 of 118appears. Modify the fields, then click OK. The display of the report is updated with thechanges you made.FilterThe Report Filter allows you t

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36 of 1183. In the Field Name field, select the field on which to apply the condition.4. In the Operator field, enter the operator that should be appl

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37 of 118refreshed.To configure the report refresh rate:1. Click the Refresh Settings icon. The Refresh SettingsEditor will appear.2. By default, the

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2 of 118Pie charts 753D surface and 3D bar charts 81Selecting a reporting time period 86Running reports 88Printing reports 89Saving reports 90Emailing

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38 of 118foreground and background colors defined in the first rule in the list to which that the datain the row matches.To configure cell styles:1. C

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39 of 118The conditions dialog allows complex conditions to be applied to the table data.a. Add a Condition by clicking Add Condition. The Condition d

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40 of 1184. To create complex conditions, you can combine multiple conditions with AND aswell as OR operators. To add an operator, click Add Operator

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41 of 118Use the Table Fields parameter to specify which fields are displayed in the table and toconfigure the scaling of data within the table. Certa

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42 of 1185. To disable fields that are displayed in a report, deselect the checkbox in theDisplay column.By default, all of the fields returned in the

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43 of 1182. In the Background Color field, select the color to use for the main background ofthe table report.3. In the Foreground Color field, select

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44 of 11810. Select the Font, Size, and Style, then click OK.11. In the Date Format field, you can specify the format to use for all of the dates in t

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45 of 1182. To add a summary row, click Add. Or, select an existing summary row, then clickEdit. The Summary Row dialog box will appear.

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46 of 1183. In the Label field, enter a title that describes the content of the summary row.4. To change the text color for the summary row, select th

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47 of 1188. The Summary Fields and Operations area displays the fields that will beincluded in the summary row, as well as the type of operation that

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3 of 118Storage Mirroring Reporting CenteroverviewStorage Mirroring Reporting Center (SMRC) is a centralized reporting and analysissolution that allow

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48 of 1182. In the Foreground Color field, select a default text color. This color is used bychart elements that are not defined by other element colo

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49 of 1188. In the Plot Area Color 1 and 2 fields, select the color(s) to be used for the plotarea fill.If you selected Solid fill type, select only P

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50 of 118To edit data views:1. Click Data Views icon. The Data View Editor appears.2. Specify the Data Views Editor fields that apply to your report.●

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51 of 118● Scale To—The multiplier to scale the y axis to. If set automatically, the y axisis scaled to the highest possible multiplier.● Fields in Vi

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52 of 1184. Click OK. The option is applied to the report in the report display area.SeriesAll chart-based reports provide the ability to select which

Page 72 - Horizontal bar charts

53 of 1182. The Style Editor dialog box contains a list of all of the series styles that are definedfor a report. By default, the list is empty.3. Cli

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54 of 118To configure the Xaxis label settings:1. Click Xaxis icon. The X Axis Editor dialog box appears.2. Select Show Label if you want the X axis

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55 of 118To configure the yaxis parameter:1. Click Y Axis icon. The Axis Editor dialog box appears.2. Specify the fields in the Axis Editor dialog bo

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56 of 118the ability to customize color attributes used in and around chart-based reports.By default, all parameters use the User Selected option, whi

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57 of 1183. In the Background Color field, select a default color for the background of thechart area.4. In the Grid Color field, select a color to be

Page 77 - Pie charts

4 of 118Storage Mirroring Reporting Center serverThe Storage Mirroring Reporting Center server performs monitoring of all StorageMirroring servers in

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58 of 11811. Select the Font, Size, and Style, then click OK.12. After making your changes, click OK. The changes you made are reflected in thereport

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59 of 118To modify the series selection:1. Click the Chart Data icon. The Series Editor appears.2. To enable a series to be displayed, select the chec

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60 of 1182. The Style Editor dialog box contains a list of all of the series styles that are definedfor a report. By default, the list is empty.3. Cli

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61 of 118To configure the Xaxis label settings:1. Click Xaxis icon. The X Axis Editor dialog box appears.2. Select Show Label if you want the X axis

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62 of 118To configure the Xaxis settings of a bar chart:1. Click Xaxis icon. The X Axis Editor dialog box appears.2. To specify whether the Xaxis s

Page 83 - 3D surface and 3D bar charts

63 of 1186. In the Label Frequency field, select Custom, then enter the frequency at whichthe label should be displayed.7. In the Label Rotation field

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64 of 118● Range—When included, the range restricts the Y axis to the given minimumand maximum.● Show Time Axis—If selected, the report data is displa

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65 of 118● Depth—Depth controls the thickness of the bar chart along the Z axis. Adepth of zero makes the chart a standard 2D chart.3. Click OK.Chart

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66 of 118By default, all parameters use the User Selected option, which means that the chart’scolor comes from the user’s preferences. Setting the col

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67 of 1185. In the Horizontal Grid Visibility field, select whether to show or hide the horizontalgridlines.6. In the Vertical Grid Visibility field,

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5 of 118Storage Mirroring Reporting Center user interfaceThe Storage Mirroring Reporting Center user interface is used to configure the productand to

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68 of 118By default, charts display the legend if there is enough space to display it withoutsignificantly affecting the size of the report. You can m

Page 90 - Running reports

69 of 1182. To enable a series to be displayed, select the checkbox next to its name in the listof displayed series. Click Select All or Deselect All

Page 91 - Printing reports

70 of 1182. The Style Editor dialog box contains a list of all of the series styles that are definedfor a report. By default, the list is empty.3. Cli

Page 92 - Saving reports

71 of 1181. Click the Chart Styles icon. The Chart Style Editor dialog box appears.2. In the Foreground Color field, select a default text color. This

Page 93 - Emailing reports

72 of 1187. In the Plot Area Fill Type, select whether the fill in the plot area should be solid orgradient.8. In the Plot Area Color 1 and 2 fields,

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73 of 118To edit data views for a horizontal bar chart:1. Click Chart data icon. The Data View Editor appears.2. Specify the Data Views Editor fields

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74 of 118To modify the colors used by a data series in a horizontal chart:1. Click Series Styles icon. The Style Editor dialog box appears.2. The Styl

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75 of 118Pie chartsChart labelsSome charts provide the ability to display a data value in a label above the bar or pieceof pie.To enable chart labels:

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76 of 118By default, all parameters use the User Selected option, which means that the chart’scolor comes from the user’s preferences. Setting the col

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77 of 1184. In the Grid Color field, select a color to be used for chart grids.Note: This applies only to charts with grids.5. In the Horizontal Grid

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6 of 118RequirementsStorage Mirroring Reporting Center requires the following minimum systemconfiguration:● Operating system—Storage Mirroring Reporti

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78 of 118Allows selecting the fields to plot in the pie chart.To modify the fields displayed on a pie chart:1. Click Chart Data icon. The Pie Chart Fi

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79 of 1182. In the Show legend field, specify when the legend should be displayed.3. In the Legend Position field, select where you would like the leg

Page 102 - Viewing alerts

80 of 118colors used to represent a different data series within the chart.To modify the colors used by a data series:1. Click Series Styles icon. The

Page 103 - Configuring alerts

81 of 1189. When you have finished adding style definitions, click OK. The report in the reportarea is updated to reflect your changes.3D surface and

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82 of 118● Contoured—If selected, the contour lines for different contour levels aredrawn.● Zoned—If selected, the bar or surface is colored into diff

Page 105 - Navigating the console

83 of 118the ability to customize color attributes used in and around chart-based reports.By default, all parameters use the User Selected option, whi

Page 106 - Selecting a node

84 of 1183. In the Background Color field, select a default color for the background of thechart area.4. In the Grid Color field, select a color to be

Page 107 - Selecting a report

85 of 11811. Select the Font, Size, and Style, then click OK.12. After making your changes, click OK. The changes you made are reflected in thereport

Page 108 - Drilling down

86 of 118Selecting a reporting time periodYou can set the reporting time period by choosing the reporting period from the Windowdrop-down menu. The me

Page 109 - Configuring system settings

87 of 1184. Click OK. The display in the main window updates to reflect the time periods youselect.Note:After you change the timeframe, either click t

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7 of 118● At least 10GB of free hard disk space● Intel P4-compatible CPU running at 1.2 GHz or higher

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88 of 118Running reportsAfter adding a node to be monitored, you can try running a report against the node youhave added using the following steps.1.

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89 of 118Printing reportsTo print reports:1. Generate the report you want to print, then select File, Print Report.2. If you are printing graphs or ch

Page 113 - Configuring views

90 of 118Saving reportsYou can save reports from the GUI to several formats including comma separatedvalues, images, .pdf files, and web pages.To save

Page 114 - Troubleshooting

91 of 118Emailing reportsYou can send reports as emails by specifying details in the Mail dialog box. If the reportis too large to be delivered, an al

Page 115 - Changing log levels

92 of 1182. In the Name field, enter a name to identify the scheduled report.3. In the Description field, enter a description to identify the schedule

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93 of 118a. Click the New button to create a new schedule, or select a schedule andclick Edit. The Schedule Properties dialog box appears.

Page 117 - Viewing collector reports

94 of 118b. Enter a Name and Description for the schedule.c. To set up a schedule for reports on the Basic tab:1. Position the crosshair cursor on the

Page 118 - Sample output

95 of 1182. Click the Add button. The Schedule Component Properties dialogbox will appear.● Select whether the rule is to Include or Exclude the crite

Page 119 - Verifying WMI connectivity

96 of 118Type Criteria DescriptionHours AtEnter the minute and second for the time to run thereport.HoursTimeZoneEnter the time zone for the selected

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97 of 118Type Criteria DescriptionMonthsTimeZoneEnter the time zone for the selected time.Months FilterSelect the filtering criteria.No Filter—Runs th

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